When it’s time to sell your house, your move is only one of the many things that need to be handled correctly. In order to get the best possible price for your old house, you should be sure to carry out some ideas on how to increase home value for appraisal or to get better offers from buyers. Here’s how[…] Read More
Before or after a move is often when it happens: you start to look at the piles of boxes, overflowing closets and drawers, stuffed attics and basements and wonder, “What should I do with all of this?” It’s a great time to think about decluttering. But thinking about decluttering and actually doing the tasks required to[…] Read More
There are not many things that are more disappointing than getting your computer, television or other electronics unpacked only to find they’ve been damaged during transit. Knowing how to pack electronics for moving can remove the heartache, frustration and repair costs from your move. Whether it’s knowing how to pack a computer or which electronics moving boxes to use in order[…] Read More
Preparing for a move is important for anyone who’s relocating their residence. It’s a time to make key decisions about what to move to your new place — and how to do it. When it comes to your furniture, most people ask the same question: Do I need to take apart the furniture I’m moving? The[…] Read More
Moving most items, such as furniture and heavy duty pieces in your home, is fairly simple. All you have to do is box them up or wrap them and put them on a moving truck. Your more delicate things, like glasses, grandfather clocks, mirrors, and other valuables, however, require more care. They have to be protected[…] Read More