Plates, glasses, and pictures aren’t the only fragile things to be concerned about when moving. In fact, you may find that your most precious items are much smaller than these items – so small that losing them is a bigger concern than breaking them. We are, of course, referring to your jewelry pieces. Packing Jewelry[…] Read More
As you go down your moving checklist 2019, it helps to divide the steps according to how many weeks you have before the big day. This ensures that everything is not only done, but done at the best times. In that spirit, here’s our Moving in 2 Weeks Checklist: What to Do 2 Weeks Before Moving Two[…] Read More
Tips for Moving Day A planned move isn’t just a change of locations – it’s a project. For weeks, you’ve been packing things up, cleaning your old home, and making sure that you didn’t leave anything good behind. Now, it’s the day of the actual move. Even now, it’s not just a matter of jumping[…] Read More
If you’re looking to end up with a box of glass shards at the end of your move, there’s no reason to read on. If, on the other hand, you’d prefer to have intact glasses, plates and other dishware at the other end of your journey, you need to know how to pack glassware safely. How to[…] Read More